Building a Basic Phoenix API


Recently, I started learning Phoenix, a Rails-like framework written in Elixir that has sometimes been called "Rails, the Good Parts". It's often easier for me to learn something when I actually have to apply it, so I decided to write a little app to do some practice for when I'm not actively staffed on a Phoenix project at work.

The Project

When I make projects, I like to choose something either ridiculous or that I care about. The best projects I make combine both. This time around, I built an app that pulls the commit messages authored by an old co-worker of mine, from across our codebase. For context, he writes (or possibly just wrote) the most hilarious commit messages, and it just makes me laugh to see a couple of them every day. I often stumbled upon them while working on something at work, but I figured, why not surface them at will?

So, the app I built has a seed file that contains a script that hits the GitHub API to generate data. There's also an API to surface those messages. The API just returns some JSON. What's nice about this approach is that a flexible API gives me the ability the surface the data in a number of ways, including a web app, a Slackbot, and a Chrome Extension. (I'm playing around with this idea of creating bundles of software as a product.) But I digress. Today, we're talking about building an API in Phoenix.


Like Rails, Phoenix also comes with some nifty generators. Because my app is so basic, I just needed to generate one controller, a view, and what are now known in Phoenix as "schemas." By running this command, I was able to create a scaffold in a few seconds:

mix phx.gen.json CommitMessage commit_messages committed_at:datetime content:string repo_name:string.

Then, as instructed, I added the line:

resources "/commit_messages", CommitMessageController to the api scope within the router located in lib/commits_web/router.ex, which defines the route mapping. Because I didn't need a bunch of extra routes, I changed this in Rails-like fashion to resources "/commit_messages", CommitMessagesController, except: [:new, :edit, :update, :delete].

After that was all set, I ran the migration with mix ecto.migrate. This gives me just a single table full of commit messages.

A few things to note about Phoenix:

  • Unlike Rails, where you can make controllers inherit from other controllers, the idea in Phoenix is to have a series of composable plugs, which can be organized into pipelines.
  • Plugs function like middleware, transforming the connection or conn. When a browser makes a request, that makes its way to the Endpoint, and then to the router and controller.

The Controller

The nifty generator created a controller called CommitsWeb.CommitMessageController. You'll notice that everything is properly namespaced in contexts in Phoenix 1.3. Anything that relates strictly to the web, such as a controller and router, will be found under the CommitsWeb namespace. Other parts of the application, such as the data-mapping layer, are namespaced under Commits. I chose to nest everything in a context called Logs. This separation of concerns allows us to think about the web views and behaviors as separate from the business logic of the application.

Also, you'll see that Phoenix doesn't auto-pluralize everything as Rails does. The argument is that pluralization is useful most of the time, but when it fails, it fails pretty hard.

After some pruning, my controller looked like this:

defmodule CommitsWeb.CommitMessageController do
  use CommitsWeb, :controller

  alias Commits.Logs

  action_fallback CommitsWeb.FallbackController

  def index(conn, _params) do
    commit_messages = Logs.list_commit_messages()
    render(conn, "index.json", commit_messages: commit_messages)

  def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    commit_message = Logs.get_commit_message!(id)
    render(conn, "show.json", commit_message: commit_message)


Most of that was generated, but you can probaby get the gist of what' s happening. The index action returns a list of all the commit messages as json, while the show just returns a single one.

Ecto, Repo, and the Data

Ecto is the "persistence layer" of the application. It's the equivalent of ActiveRecord in Rails, and it does essentially the same function of mapping database columns to fields in a data structure.

The repo is an API for holding data. You can fetch, insert, or modify data in the database using Repo, which is a module you can define to have custom implementations of an interface. Usually, though, it'll have some configs to tell it to talk to a database.

When we take a look at the Commits.Log module, we can take a closer look at how we're using Repo to fetch data.

# /lib/commits/logs/logs.ex

defmodule Commits.Logs do
  import Ecto.Query, warn: false
  alias Commits.Repo

  alias Commits.Logs.CommitMessage

  def list_commit_messages do

  def get_commit_message!(id), do: Repo.get!(CommitMessage, id)

Above, you'll see the module code after some pruning. I removed the documentation notes. Here, we're using the Repo module to fetch data. Again, most of this was generated, so I'm just interpreting it for my own knowledge (and for yours?).

Okay, so with that all set, we just need to take a quick look at the "views", which in the case of an API are some functions to return the right JSON.

Views and Templates

This is one of the parts that trips me up most about Phoenix, so I'm referencing the book "Programming Phoenix" by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and Jose Valim, for this especially.

In Phoenix, a view is a module responsible for rendering. The templates are fragments of HTML that may contain some embedded Elixir. What's interesting to note is that the view is just a module, and the templates are just functions. In other words, the template gets compiled into a function in the view, so when the render functions defined in the view are called from the controller, they are super fast.

Here's a peek at the view:

# lib/commits_web/views/commit_message_view.ex

defmodule CommitsWeb.CommitMessageView do
  use CommitsWeb, :view
  alias CommitsWeb.CommitMessageView

  def render("index.json", %{commit_messages: commit_messages}) do
    %{data: render_many(commit_messages, CommitMessageView, "commit_message.json")}

  def render("show.json", %{commit_message: commit_message}) do
    %{data: render_one(commit_message, CommitMessageView, "commit_message.json")}

  def render("commit_message.json", %{commit_message: commit_message}) do
      content: commit_message.content,
      committed_at: commit_message.committed_at,
      repo_name: commit_message.repo_name}


For other web apps with rich views, you'd probably define templates. In this case, because we're making an API, we just need to return some JSON, as formatted above.

And with that, we have a basic API in Phoenix. You can see the final product for the web app here. More to come on the React front-end, the Slackbot, and the Chrome Extension.
